Ok, I've let this blog go far too long without a post; time to get typing.
So, it is 80 degrees with humidity, and Ma has finally broke down and asked Dad to put up the AC units. The dog days of summer have officially begun. On the bright side the corn is growing tall and green, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!
Okay there is the farmer part, now for the faith part.
Over this summer I have been having a particular lesson drilled into my head, a lesson which I now share with you all. In your life as a Christian, balance is critical. I repeat; balance is critical.
As young men and women who are on fire for the Lord we tend to focus on aspects of ministry that are obvious; leading a youth group, being involved in a small group, hanging out with and ministering to those who are Barnabas and Timothy in you life. But something we need to remember is balance!
One thing we don't typically think about in terms of ministry is the ministry at home. Especially to those who have younger siblings, we tend to think of our duties at home as annoyances. But the truth is that the ministry at home is more important than our ministry to the church.
Don't get me wrong, you should be doing both. We are plenty capable of being able to handle both in our lives. That is where balance comes in.
You see both are important, it just so happens that the ministry at home requires your attention first. I'm not going to tell you how to balance your life, that would deprive you of the pleasure of learning to do it yourself. There are other reasons as well, no two people have the same responsibilities, thus it would be pointless for me to tell you how to balance your life.
In general there are four aspects of life that need to be balanced out. I will use my life for examples.
The first part of our lives is our personal walk with the Lord. This is something we "know" is critical, we even may use it as an excuse to get out of an unpleasant chore, but how seriously do you take your time with God?
The second part of our lives is service to the church; for me it is being a leader for Jr. High and leading worship in College group. This is the aspect of our Christian lives we primarily tend to think of as our "main ministry and Christian service". Now, just being plain honest here, we make time in our lives for this sort of thing. However we must be careful that we don't let this good service consume all our time, there is a point at which we must say, "I'm sorry, but I can't do anything else right now."
The third part of our lives is the responsibilities of home, this includes our everyday chores, odd jobs that just need to be done, and ministry to family members. This is the aspect of life I personally tend to put on the back burner, and so do many other people. But, as stated before, our ministry to our families comes first before our other ministries.
The forth and last main aspect of life is fellowship or "hang time". This is time we spend with our friends just chilling out. Again Christian fellowship is a very Biblical thing, but we must be careful to ensure that it does not get in the way of our responsibilities back home.
Make sense? Bueno.
Till next time; may the love, and joy, and peace of our Lord be with you all.
Later y-all!