First off, I have to say that: God is great, root beer is good, and college is crazy. (If you read that with Billy Currington's song "People are Crazy" going through your head, then I applaud you).
Anyway God has been so good this year; the corn is tall and should produce a good yield. However as the son of a farmer, I have experienced first hand how completely we rely on God. We rely on him for the right amount of rain at the right times, for dry weather when it is needed, and that he will take care of us when times seem rough.
What I have been learning now, in my heart, is that we must rely on God in more than just financial matters. I mean, any person who grows up in the church will tell you that, "we must rely on God's strength, we aren't strong enough on our own". However sometimes it is just a Christianism, something we say to sound like we are spiritually mature. It is a completely different matter to know this in our hearts, often we don't truly know it in our heart until life knocks the wind out of us.
This is what I have been learning these past weeks, college just started up two weeks ago, and like many college students I've got plenty of work (and to spare). It is exhausting.
Today as I was lying on my bed praying when I realized is that I have been acting like Martha.
"Gotta cook, gotta clean"; except in my case its "Gotta study, gotta research, gotta work out". And I have been leaving my spiritual life as an afterthought.
What I should have been doing is acting like Mary, being with God first.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33
There is a coffee cup verse for y'all. And sometimes it becomes no more than that. What I need to do is to see to my relationship with God first and foremost, and then trust that God will take care of me.
This is not to say that we have an excuse to be lazy about our home work, I'm not saying that at all. Only to say that we cannot get so caught up in our work load that we forget what is truly important.
Well, that's about it for now. Later y'all!!!
What I have been learning now, in my heart, is that we must rely on God in more than just financial matters. I mean, any person who grows up in the church will tell you that, "we must rely on God's strength, we aren't strong enough on our own". However sometimes it is just a Christianism, something we say to sound like we are spiritually mature. It is a completely different matter to know this in our hearts, often we don't truly know it in our heart until life knocks the wind out of us.
This is what I have been learning these past weeks, college just started up two weeks ago, and like many college students I've got plenty of work (and to spare). It is exhausting.
Today as I was lying on my bed praying when I realized is that I have been acting like Martha.
"Gotta cook, gotta clean"; except in my case its "Gotta study, gotta research, gotta work out". And I have been leaving my spiritual life as an afterthought.
What I should have been doing is acting like Mary, being with God first.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33
There is a coffee cup verse for y'all. And sometimes it becomes no more than that. What I need to do is to see to my relationship with God first and foremost, and then trust that God will take care of me.
This is not to say that we have an excuse to be lazy about our home work, I'm not saying that at all. Only to say that we cannot get so caught up in our work load that we forget what is truly important.
Well, that's about it for now. Later y'all!!!
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